Efficient Professional Service !
In 2018 i used Mary Jane services to apply for the SRRV and had a positive outcome. Dealing with the administrative systems in the Philippines can be very time consuming and tedious. The efficient handing of the application by Mary Jane consulting and taking me to various different locations that you have to travel to including doing the medical was stream lined to be completed in under a day. If i had applied by myself i’m sure it would have taken several days or longer, not only because i wasn’t so familiar with Manila but also the locations we went to were pre-selected for one reason or another to ensure a speedy service. Before i used Mary Jane services i asked a lot of questions and she replied to them clearly, promptly and honestly in English. I know there are other free/paid services around but do your research to find out what suits you. There may be hidden costs and you also need to apply for the visa extension, as it will take up to 5-6 weeks to process the SRRV application and you need to be in the Philippines, so the 30 day tourist visa isn’t enough. In my case i was glad to have used her services as it saved me time. Somebody who knows the system process is a real bonus especially in the very administrative intense Filipino system. I would certainly recommend her services, especially if you are not familiar with Manila or don’t have too much time on your hands. It could also save you getting white hairs or pulling your own hair out if you are not used to the Philippine system.